
At Bishopswood we want all children to discover the wonder of mathematics. We aspire for all children to thrive in mathematics by being inquisitive, inspired and ambitious mathematicians who enjoy questioning, enquiry and discovery.

Children are taught mathematics through progressive, challenging and multi-sensory lessons. These lessons provide opportunities for all of Bishopswood’s developing mathematicians to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and regular practise of number with increasing complexity over time; reason mathematically through investigating, conjecturing and gathering proof; be problem-solvers who persevere in seeking solutions and enjoy taking risks.

We encourage parents and carers to regularly practise number facts with their children, explore the use of mathematics in the real world and promote a love of mathematics.

The Bishopswood Mathematician will:

  Explore and investigate using what they know

  Ask questions, create theories and gather proof

   Challenge themselves and persevere in seeking solutions

   Use concrete resources, pictures and mathematical language to help develop their understanding and explanations

   Regularly practise number to become increasingly confident in recall and calculation