Our Learning

At Bishopswood we aim to equip pupils to make a positive contribution to society in the future through a rich, broad and engaging curriculum which inspires all pupils to learn through the acquisition of knowledge & skills with the school values of Caring, Respecting and Thriving Together at its core.


The curriculum is all the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of learning experiences that we deliver in order for school to be a magical place of learning. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills, to help pupils become the very best that they can be.


At Bishopswood, our teaching and learning is focused on Nurturing, Growing, Developing and Delivering to ensure that our vision and values are woven into the fabric of the curriculum. We actively seek to grow a range of learning behaviours within our pupils to enable them to be successful not only in the classroom, but beyond.




Our Teaching and Learning Model: The Bishopswood Way

Our teaching and learning approach is defined through the four main components within The Bishopswood Way:

  • Nurturing the Bishopswood Citizen
  • Growing the Bishopswood Learner
  • Developing the Bishopswood Curriculum
  • Delivering Bishopswood Teaching

Nurturing the Bishopswood Citizen

At Bishopswood, we aim for children to value being a member of a community, within the school and wider world. There are regular opportunities for children to play, learn and grow as people developing friendships and a sense of belonging. We aim to ensure children develop self-awareness: taking responsibility for their own learning, embracing a growth mindset and having high expectations of what they can achieve.

Through a nurturing and supportive whole-school ethos, with opportunities to contribute to all aspects of school life, we strive for all children to develop a sense of confidence which they will take forward with them in life in order to make a positive contribution to the future.


Growing the Bishopswood Learner

We actively encourage children to be reflective about their learning, behaviour, beliefs and values, and to develop a sense of personal responsibility alongside the motivation and aspiration to learn and improve.

Through a combination of research and collaboration with stakeholders, we have identified the prominent learning behaviours which will effectively support our aims for our children. These can be grown through every subject across each year group and will provide a foundation for pupils to learn effectively and thrive throughout their schooling and into the workplace of the future.


Developing the Bishopswood Curriculum

The curriculum is all the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of learning experiences that we deliver in order for school to be a magical place of learning. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills, to help pupils become the very best that they can be.

At Bishopswood, we aim to equip pupils to make a positive contribution to society in the future through a rich, broad and engaging curriculum which inspires all pupils to learn through the acquisition of knowledge & skills with the school values of Caring, Respecting and Thriving Together at its core.


Delivering Bishopswood Teaching

At Bishopswood, we recognise the vast number of different teaching strategies and pedagogies which are used in the classroom to facilitate effective learning. As a teaching team, we have spent time discussing and shaping what we want teaching to look and feel like in our school. As a result, we have identified seven teaching strategies that provide a consistent foundation to the quality of teaching across the school. These clearly defined expectations enable all children to receive consistently effective teaching and reduce the variance between classes.