“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato


The Music Curriculum will actively support the growth of the Bishopswood Learner whilst engaging and inspiring pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians to increase their self-confidence, creativity and provide a sense of achievement.

The Bishopswood Musician will:

 Listen to and evaluate a range of music for different times and genres. 

 Explore and evaluate a range of music and instruments

  Work respectively collaboratively when composing, rehearsing and preforming

  Imagine, create and compose their own music or versions of a piece, using notation to record their ideas.

 Understand musical patterns and how they are put together to create a composition.

 Practice and perform to others.

 Evaluate others work in a caring and respectful way.



The Roadmap below shows the journey that our children take as they progress through the music curriculum in our school. Our Music curriculum is progressive, broad and engaging.