Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
What happened in the Great Fire of London?
We start the year learning about The Great Fire of London. This includes building model houses at home and re-enacting the Great Fire on the field! Following this, we write recounts of ‘The Great Fire of Tadley’ and talk about fire safety. We use different materials to create fire pictures. Over the term, we look at pictures of the fire, read diaries and extracts from eyewitnesses and build an understanding using all the clues we can find, of what happened in the Great Fire of London.
Would you rather live in Hampshire or Perth, Australia?
This learning challenge allows us to find out where different places are around the world before ‘zooming in’ on Perth, Australia. ‘Street View’ allows us to get a closer look at what Perth is like, comparing it to the area in which we live. In addition to this, we also use technology to ask questions of someone currently living in Perth. We find out how life is different there to life in Hampshire. Through the topic, children are able to find out what different aspects of Perth are like, compare weather patterns and end the topic by deciding where they would rather live!
Why did the Titanic sink?
During this learning challenge, we discover what the Titanic was and why we remember it today. We look at what life was like aboard the Titanic for both the crew and the passengers. In the topic, we arrange memorable days for our pupils, including a fancy-dress Titanic Day. This includes food which would have been eaten on board the Titanic, dance lessons and lots of other on-board activities. In addition to this, we visit the Seacity Museum in Southampton to learn more about life on board the Titanic and see artefacts from the cruise liner.
Why was Neil Armstrong a very brave person?
In spring, we learn about how to become an astronaut by taking part in an ‘Astronaut Training Day’ to see if we would like to be astronauts in the future. We find out about Neil Armstrong and the moon landing, discussing the dangers of space travel and reflecting on whether we think he was a brave person. We also watch videos created by Tim Peake when he was on the space station, which allow us to see the differences between living in space and on Earth.
Besides the Seaside
Through this topic, we find out where beaches are around the UK and, further afield, sharing our own experiences of visiting them. We learn about human and physical features and look at various beaches around the UK to compare these. We look at maps and devise our own maps using keys to design a beach for tourists. We also enjoy designing and creating a ‘beach in a box’ using shoe boxes and other materials.
How can we stay healthy until we are 100?
In our final half-term, we look at ways to stay healthy through exercise and healthy eating. We look at balance and food groups. We explore how food gets from ‘field to fork’ and look at the ‘food stories’ of familiar ingredients. As an exciting end to our topic and our time at the Infants, we design a special picnic that we can prepare and share.
In addition to this, during the final term, we put on a performance for parents and the rest of the school. We spend a lot of time learning songs and practising our acting.
Please click on the links below that will give you more information about our curriculum and homework.
If you have any queries with regard to the curriculum for this year group, please contact the class teachers or Mrs Jo Armes (Executive Head of School).
If you would like further paper copies of the curriculum/newsletters, please contact your child's teacher.
Should you have any queries with regard to any of the Year 2 team, please contact Mrs Jo Armes (Executive Head of School) or Glen Golding (Headteacher).