Teaching and Learning
Bishopswood Schools Federation is a community of learning where every child is valued as as individual and develops self-respect and self-confidence, alongside a passion of learning. Within a culture of caring and celebration, we prepare our children to become citizens of the future and lifelong learners with the skills, understanding and resourcefulness to achieve personal success.
Our wider curriculum is organised into a series of 'learning challenges'. The challenges require deep thinking and use a question as a starting point. Our curriculum is a blend of thematic approaches, where meaningful links are made that add value, and discrete subject specific work taught as 'stand alone' units of learning. All 'units' of learning will have an entry based 'hook' to engage the children's interest and 'purpose' for study. Where possible, learning will be 'first hand' and supported by outdoor learning, visitors, school trips, role play and practical resources.
Curriculum mapping at Bishopswood is reviewed and adapted yearly. Examples of our learning challenges include: 'Why was Neil Armstrong a brave person?', Where do the leaves go in Winter?' and 'Why do we love to be beside the seaside?'
Meaningful curricular links are made with the local community where possible and emphasis given to children engaging with current affairs. This enables our children to question and have an awareness of the world around them. We place an emphasis on active learning by including the children in discussions, debates, investigations and problem solving activities. The school actively use P4C (Philosophy for Children) in providing an interesting and exciting approach to delivering our PSHE lessons. We encourage children to take part in a range of practical activities that promote active citizenship e.g charity fundraising or the planning of special school events such as assemblies.
We expect our children to think deeply, critically and are all encouraged to work hard, regardless of their academic ability. Achieving the best standards possible for each individual matters and facilitates the best opportunities for progression to the Junior School.
Please see the individual year group pages for more information on each half term's learning challenge and each subject page for curriculum coverage.
If you have further questions relating to our curriculum, please contact the school office at adminoffice@bishopswood-inf.hants.sch.uk or adminoffice@bishopswood-jun.hants.sch.uk, who will do their best to help.