Bishopswood School is an excellent school with talented and caring staff, enthusiastic students and involved parents.
Bishopswood Schools PTA is a volunteer group dedicated to supporting the school and enhancing the quality of the educational experience for all students.
We invite you to become involved and to make this school an even better place for all the children. Whether you choose to join a committee, assist in the classroom, or simply send supplies for a fundraising event, your help is important and appreciated.
As of 2018 we are a new committee. Between us we have lots of exciting fundraising ideas, ranging from film nights and discos to race nights, quiz nights, a camping festival, Christmas wreath making and many more.
We have asked the school for some suggestions of what the money we raise throughout this year can be used for. They include: further enhancing the playtime provision (we will ask for suggestions from school council to decide what we buy), further developing the outdoor classroom and the outdoor learning areas, and improving computing resources such as iPads, interactive whiteboards and laptops.
If you would like to become involved in the PTA please feel free to stop us in the playground, pop on a note in the PTA post boxes (in Infant and Junior Schools) or drop us an email at bishopswoodschoolspta@gmail.com. Please like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BishopswoodSchoolsPTA/
or email: bishopswoodschoolspta@gmail.com
Being an active PTA member
There are loads of reasons you might want to get involved, here are five good ones:
Feel at home at school
Joining the PTA makes it easy to get to know people at the school, from the headteacher and teachers, to other parents. If you're new to the school, you'll soon be walking in to the school playground or attending school events with confidence.
Have fun and get to know other parents
Events run by the PTA are fun. Whether it’s a hectic and exhausting disco for the pupils, the meticulously run Summer Fair or a parents only quiz night, they are great for bringing the school together as a community. Teachers, parents and pupils alike get stuck in and enjoy themselves.
Understand how the school works
Being part of the PTA helps parents to understand how things in the school work. If the PTA is well supported by the teachers, you'll soon realise how much they value the support it brings to the school.
Help the school be even better
Do you want your child's school to be brilliant? The experiences that the children have while at school include what’s run (and paid for) by the PTA.
Be a good role model
There’s a lot of evidence to suggest that when parents are engaged in a school, a child’s attainment is improved. Being involved in school shows that you think it's important, could there be a more compelling reason to get involved?
It's not uncommon for parents to feel unsure about getting involved with the PTA, there's an assumption that you'll be expected to commit large chunks of time to the school, but that’s not the case. Any help you can provide is very much appreciated, and in return you'll receive a huge sense of satisfaction and most likely a new group of friends.