Collaboration Schools
Collaboration Schools
Bishopswood Schools Federation is part of a Collaboration of schools with the Bramley C of E Primary School, Whitewater C of E Primary School and Silchester C of E Primary School.
As a collaboration, we work closely together to share resources and expertise in order to provide the highest standards of teaching and learning possible. At a time when schools nationally are facing many challenges, we operate the belief that we are stronger together.
Collaboration is a vital tool in the school improvement arsenal. It allows us to share expertise across our schools to ensure the best outcomes for all of our children. We are able to share staff, enabling our staff to broaden their experiences and encourage staff retention whilst sharing best practice.
Working together, we are able to share costs allowing us to provide more opportunities for our children.
Each of the collaboration schools have their own unique personality, we are able to maintain our individuality whilst benefiting from working collaboratively under the leadership of Mr Glen Golding our Executive Headteacher.
For more information on our Collaboration schools please click on the links below;
Bramley C of E Primary School
Whitewater C of E Primary School
We are a small village Church School, who are fully committed to developing and challenging the creativity, courage and fellowship of every child so that they achieve their full potential in all areas of life.
We do this by nurturing pro-active and independent learners who strive for greatness, are curious about the world around them and show respect for themselves and others.
Silchester C of E Primary School